
  • No, this event is free and open to everyone.

  • No, registration is not required. However, if you pre-register, you can check-in more quickly at the event.

  • The Candy Kingdom event and pre-show are designed for elementary age kids (K-5th) and their parents. However, younger children are welcome to attend these with their parents.

    We also offer Kids Zone Jr (for age 0-5). During the Sun. 6pm, parents have the option to check younger children into Kids Zone Jr for age-appropriate games, activities and storytime. Parents can also choose to sit with their younger child during the show in the elementary area (Kids Zone).

  • The Candy Kingdom experience includes a 45 minute show - including games, prizes and interactive characters. This show takes place in the elementary kids ministry area (Kids Zone). Following the show, parents take their kids through the Candy Kingdom where they’ll receive candy, play exciting games, and meet fun characters.

  • You’ll receive a confirmation email after you have successfully registered. When you show up to the event, all you need to do is tell us your name to check-in.

  • Yes, each child will receive multiple pieces of candy as they go through the experience. We make sure no kid goes home empty-handed!

  • Families will be greeted at the main doors and check in with our volunteer team. Each child will receive a name tag and parent pick up tag including a number that matches both tags. To ensure safety and that children leave with the family that brought them, pick up and name tags will be checked before children leave the preshow. Should you lose your parent pick up tag, please ask our team for help; if needed our team may ask for a valid photo ID in order to verify identification.

  • No

  • The show is a large group experience.

    The Live Show - kids and their parents/guardians start the adventure in Candy Castle. This is a 45-50 minute live show with games, prizes, costumed characters and more! Your child will be part of the story as they join the quest to stop the evil Dr Dum Dum from destroying Candy Kingdom! (Please note that flashing lights and loud music/sound effects will be part of the Live Show experience.)

  • Simply return to the registration page and update your information accordingly.

  • This event has no dress code; wear whatever you’re comfortable in.

  • Kids from Kindergarten through 5th grade are welcome to go to Kids Zone where there will be an interactive show. Free childcare is also available during all experiences for children from birth through age five.

  • Some parts of our event are wheelchair accessible.

  • Unfortunately, we will not be able to provide an interpreter at this event.

  • Some lighting is used at the pre-show that may be disruptive to people who are sensitive to light.

  • Yes, we can pair them with a team member for their specific needs.

  • Look for anyone wearing a Candy Kingdom leader name tag or costume.

  • Please contact our kids ministry team at rileys@allisonparkchurch.com